Monday 14 July 2014


Sound the stinkhorn! Alert the pong-press!  MY book, all about ME, Beastly Blackbeard the Bad, is finally here! Unfortunately it also stars that irritating earthsqueak of a schoolboy, Jake, and his pink-haired pestbeetle of a grandmother, but I'm sure I'll get the better of them this time.  After all, it is called BLACKBEARD'S REVENGE.  

If you'd like to get your hands on a copy, send your parent over to or, and prepare for some big laughs, some exciting adventure, and a smell that's out of this world...

Friday 4 July 2014

How To Cut Your Nails In Space.

Anyone brave (or foolish) enough to venture on board my spaceship might have noticed the pile of filthy toenail clippings in the middle of the floor. In fact you can't really miss it.  It's not quite high enough to reach the ceiling yet, but it's getting there... 

I think it it adds a touch of pirate class, personally (as well as being a handy hideout for space-lice), but your Earthsqueak astronauts are much fussier about their nail clippings: